Guest Speaking at Loyola Chicago School of Social Work (Again!)
I’ve been invited back to guest speak on the applications of Visual Thinking Strategies to social work for a graduate class at Loyola University Chicago School of Social Work. Dr. Terry Northcut designed the course, The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Psychotherapy, to assist clinical social workers in their development as critically reflective of and respectfully responsive to the diversity of religious and spiritual values, ethics, and principles that contribute to the world-views of practitioners and the people with whom they work.
Last year, I met with the students via Zoom, but this year I’ll be flying to Chicago to work with the students in-person at the School of Social Work downtown! At the end of the semester, the students investigate different forms of art based and music based therapies. My job will be to help them see how art, specifically VTS, can open our minds and spirits and perspectives, which is certainly pertinent for social workers!
I look forward to sharing energy with these students in the same space and to engage in riveting conversations with smart, diverse, interesting grad students. Take a look at my previous posts here, here, and here for other examples of my guest speaking in graduate courses.