GEMM Circle on VTS & Social Justice
I’m delighted to partner with Walae Hayek again on a new project! The Steering Committee of the Gender Equity in Museums Movement (GEMM) invited me to lead what they call a GEMM Circle on a topic investigating art’s impact on empathy. This program will be an intimate, virtual facilitated experience and conversation. As I brainstormed potential directions to take the GEMM Circle, I thought back to my work with Walae with the Tufts University Bridging Differences Task Force. Her perspective and experience lends a rich depth to the topic of art and empathy. We’ll lead this program together in November for an audience of museum professionals from across the country who are dedicated to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB).
In our upcoming GEMM Circle, participants will be introduced to Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS), a facilitation method that fosters collaborative, inclusive, and community-building dialogue, through a social justice lens. Participants will engage in practicing the principles of VTS via a group activity followed by a discussion on the applied framework, its traditional uses, and the ways in which it can impact future work in DEIB.
Registration info forthcoming! Spread the word!