Employee Engagement with Foley Hoag Affinity Groups

Starting in January 2022, I’ll be working with Foley Hoag Boston’s Agents of Change and Womxn of Color Affinity Groups to provide some meaningful and mind-expanding experiences for staff and attorneys alike. Foley Hoag, one of the biggest law firms in Boston with offices in New York City, Paris, and Washington DC, stays committed whole-heartedly to their people while centering diversity, equity, access, and inclusion in everything they do. I’m honored and excited to work with this firm.

In our sessions together, we’ll use discussions about visual art as the mechanism for achieving astounding developments in personal skill sets and mindsets. My sessions are not lectures. They are highly participatory, inclusive, and intimate experiences that build upon each other. Similar in a sense to therapy or counseling, one session is helpful, but the hard work comes from the consistency and continued exposure to the VTS method and my associated activities.

Together, Foley Hoag Boston and Yellow Room Consulting position themselves on the cutting edge of a novel approach to improving team dynamics, fostering self-reflection and social-emotional intelligence, and promoting empathy in the legal workplace. I am invested in empowering measurable change in their employees. Evaluation is part of what I offer, so by the end of our sessions, Foley Hoag Boston will see how the participants have grown in their own self-assessments as well as perceived workplace satisfaction.


Presenting at MAEA 2021 Virtual Conference


Guest Speaking at D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University