Arts-in-Medicine Lecture for BCH Epilepsy Division

My husband Christopher Yuskaitis and I are presenting our annual "Synesthesia: The Colors of Sound" arts-in-medicine lecture for Boston Children's Hospital Division of Epilepsy on Friday, June 25. We look forward to giving one of our absolute favorite talks thanks to the continuous invitation of the fantastic Dr. Phil Pearl, who we’ve worked with many times over the years combining music, art, and medicine.

Have you ever wondered what it's like to hear color?  This presentation interweaves art and science through a discussion about synesthesia, a neurologic condition that causes the blending of the senses, and abstract paintings. Particularly focusing on 20th century American artists influenced by music, such as Arthur Dove, Stuart Davis, and Joan Mitchell, we will explore the visual interpretation of these artists' auditory experiences.

Check out my services for medical teams and contact me if you'd like to bring me and/or me and my husband to your healthcare setting.


AiMES for MDs Program Results


Summer “Art as Self-Care” Course for NAC